New Year’s Resolution: Sleep


One week into the new year and we’re wondering: Have you made a New Year’s Resolution? More importantly, have you stuck with it? People everywhere use this time of year to seek a positive change in their lives- some folks vow to exercise more, others want to quit a bad habit. Whatever it is, one way to help ourselves along the path of positive personal development is simple: Quality Sleep.

Although it’s obvious why we sleep (we really don’t have a choice) getting the proper amount (7-8 hours a night) and the best kind (uninterrupted, restorative) is often difficult and seemingly out of our control. Over the years, we’ve heard many tips and techniques that people use to get to sleep. Sometimes traditional sometimes not, one thing is for certain: everyone is different and there is no Best Practice For Falling Asleep. However there is a certain consistent stream of information that seems to come back, year after year.

The best, most practical advice we’ve heard or read about is simple: Set a bedtime.

Sure it sounds funny… I’m a grown adult! No one tells me what to do! Bedtimes are for kids! Robblerobblerobblerobble!

OK, slow down there Cranky. How about “Set a Sleep Goal” or “Achieve a Higher Slumber Awareness” or “KNOCK OUT THE CONSCIOUS SELF WITH YOUR DREAM FISTS!!!” However you’d like to frame it, affording yourself 8 hours of sleep a night is something that starts from within and works itself outwards… affecting you and everyone you come in contact with, every single day.

Losing weight? A good night sleep promotes proper digestion. Excercising more? Sleep allows the body to repair itself and come back stronger. Spend more time with the family? A well rested family member is a pleasant family member. Workplace goals of ascension and world domination? 8 hours a night, 7 days a week allows your mind to be clear and precise. Want to be a better person in general? Selfishly demand more sleep and life will be a little less edgy.


The easiest way to get a consistent 8 hours is to follow three simple steps:

Step 1 – Determine when to set your alarm

“I need to be at work by 8:30am. I like to get to work 15 minutes early (8:15am) and I live 20 minutes away from work. I should leave my house by 7:45am (adding in extra time for traffic). It takes me 30 minutes to get ready in the morning, from the time I’m up and moving to the time I’m starting up my car to leave the house. My alarm should be set to 7:15am.”

Step 1 = 7:15am.

Step 2 – Count back 8 hours

7:15am minus 8 hours = 11:15pm is when I should fall asleep.

Step 3 – Count back one more hour

10:15pm is the time where I should be turning off the lights, TV, iPhone, and putting the cats to bed. I should be using this hour to prepare for sleep, and maybe read a book or reflect. This additional hour allows for much needed downtime for the brain.


Sticking to this schedule (and maybe altering it a bit on weekends, you know, for fun) will get you something millions and millions of people don’t get: Restorative Sleep. If you’re still having problems, try to address other areas such as sleep environment (comfortable temperature, clean and relatively quiet), pillows (proper spinal alignment, supportive and comfortable) or mattress quality. The body changes over time and experts agree that we should be replacing our mattresses every 8-10 years.

Diet and quality of foods plays an important role in good sleep, as does alcohol consumption, stress, exercise and many other factors. To alleviate stress, breathing exercises such as “the 4-7-8 Breath” work to relax the entire body in a short time. For more on The 4-7-8 Breath watch this animation for kids featuring a Zen Master Lumberjack demonstrating how easy it is.

Counting Sheep
Counting Sheep

